Coming to Peace: The Inner Self (Hybrid)
Resolve internal conflicts and be at peace with yourself and others.
Registration fee: $325
Early Registration before October 15: $295
Registration for repeating students (Restrictions may apply): $150
*Attendance is required. This class is not available for audit.
This is an online course that is part video and part live online video conference. You will receive access to the videos to watch at your convenience. There will be two live class meetings. The first set of videos will be available on or around November 1. The second set of videos will be available on or around November 15. You must watch all videos and do all practices prior to the live class meetings. Allow approximately 3-4 hours to review each set of videos and to complete any coursework. Videos will be available for two weeks after class ends.
Saturday, November 15, at 12:00 pm – 3:00 pm Pacific Time (3:00 pm – 6:00 pm Eastern Time)
Saturday, December 6, at 12:00 pm – 2:00 pm Pacific Time (3:00 pm – 5:00 pm Eastern Time)
Students who have taken Relationship and the Inner Self may qualify to repeat this course. (This course was previously titled Relationship and the Inner Self.)
For repeating registrations please email for information on how to register.