The Five Aggregates with Khensur Thupten Tenzin Rinpoche

The Five Aggregates with Khensur Thupten Tenzin Rinpoche

The five aggregates are an important part of Buddhist philosophy that help to explain aspects of human experience. The five aggregates are found in many important Buddhist teachings and are used as tools for practicing mindfulness. The Buddha first mentions the five aggregates in his famous discourse, “Setting in Motion the Wheel of the Dharma”. In this class, Khensur Thupten Tenzin Rinpoche, assisted by Isa Gucciardi, Ph.D., explore the nature of the self through the lens of the five aggregates – form, feeling, perception, mental concepts, and consciousness. Through each of these aggregates they will examine the essence of the physical body, feelings and emotional response, our experience of the five senses, and how we compose our thoughts and develop intention through personal will. This class will help students in their development and practice of mindfulness and understanding of the nature of reality.

This online class consists of five recorded lectures and supporting meditations made available weekly on the student portal page, and one live online Q and A with Khensur Rinpoche. You will receive access to the class portal page and videos beginning on March 8. Lectures are offered in Tibetan with translation by Nyima Tsam.

Please Note: If you are new to Buddhist practice, it is highly recommended that you take Applied Buddhist Psychology 1: Entering the Stream and Applied Buddhist Psychology 2: The Enlightened Mind as an introduction to Buddhism. These are available On Demand.

Workshop Details:

Tuition: $395
Workshop Format: This is offered as a Distance Learning course.

Khensur Rinpoche Thupten Tenzin

Khensur Thupten Tenzin Rinpoche was born high in the Himalayan valley of Spiti. At the age of 8 he took his vows as a monk. He completed his studies in Psychology, Buddhist Philosophy, Debate, Metaphysics and Monastic Discipline at Gaden Shartse Monastery in South India. Upon receiving the highest degrees as a Geshe Larampa, he began teaching and became known throughout the world for his profound understanding and mastery of Buddhist Philosophy. In 2014, His Holiness the Dalai Lama asked him to become the Vice Abbot of Gyuto Tantric Monastery, one of the most prestigious institutions in Tibetan Buddhism. In 2017, he became full Abbot and held that post until 2020. We are very fortunate to be able to receive his teachings and to be able to learn how to bring wisdom and skillful means together to improve our understandings and the quality of our lives.

Isa Gucciardi

Isa is the Founding Director of the Foundation of the Sacred Stream and the lead instructor for most of its programs. She has been a student of Buddhism for fifty years, and a teacher of Buddhism and meditation for nearly thirty years. Isa developed Depth Hypnosis, a spiritual counseling model which incorporates many facets of Buddhist philosophy. She is also the creator of the unique and highly effective integrative conflict resolution method that draws from indigenous practices of conflict resolution, Buddhist philosophy, and Depth Hypnosis. Isa has degrees in cultural and linguistic anthropology, comparative religion, and transpersonal psychology. She speaks six languages and is the author of three books.

Nyima Tsam

Nyima Tsam holds an M.A. from Madras Christian College and completed the Certificate of Translation Buddhist Course at the Library of Tibetan Works and Archives in 2006. Nyima has had the honor of serving as a Tibetan/English interpreter for eminent Buddhist teachers and scholars such as Kirti Tsenshap Rinpoche, Khentul Rinpoche, Geshe Nawang Dakpa and Geshe Khunchok Tenzin. She has worked as a translator at Language People as a Tibetan, Hindi, English and Urdu translator since 2012. Nyima is an active practitioner of Tibetan Buddhism.

Upcoming Workshops:

No upcoming live events. Some courses are offered On Demand. Check here for availability.  

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