On Demand
On Demand
Now you can take some of our most popular courses whenever you like! These On Demand workshops offer everything the regular courses offer, except the Live Q&A portion. Instead, you will have access to two past Q&A sessions from previously recorded classes, in addition to the class content. The course and course materials will be accessible for you to view for six weeks. As with most of our classes, once you have taken one of our core On Demand classes, you will be eligible to retake the class at the returning student rate for up to five years.
Please note: If you are taking one of these classes as part of a certification or as a prerequisite to another course, you will need to turn in a synopsis of the class within three weeks of taking the class. Contact us for more details.
The following On Demand courses can be purchased directly through the Sacred Stream store:
The Creative Portal
This course is for creative people of every sort. It promises to help you better understand the power of your art and the important task you have in serving the creative flow that arises within you. The only prerequisite is a desire to understand the creative impulse better.
Fundamentals of Integrated Energy Medicine
Learn the fundamental principles of working with the energy of light and sound in the healing environment.
Healing Grief and Loss
Explore the insights and transformational potential provided by the emotional landscapes we are thrown into when we grieve.
Initiations of the Sacred Feminine
Explore your relationship with the power of the sacred feminine.
Intention and Manifestation
Learn the science of intention and manifestation. Examine your relationship to time and to space and learn how to articulate and clarify your motivation so your intentions can become vehicles of that which you wish to manifest.
Relationship and Karma
Understand and resolve outworn relationship habits and relate to others with more freedom and consciousness.
Relationship and Power
Improve your relationships by understanding and transforming patterns around how you use personal power.
The Shamanic Journey
Cultivate your relationship with your inner wisdom and spiritual guidance to experience healing, clarify your purpose, solve problems and serve others.
Spiritual Evolution and the Cycles of Time
In this class, we examine our deepest responses to the ecological, political, and social crises we are confronting so that we can meet the challenges of the current moment with clarity and courage.
Tracking Spirit in the Birth Environment
Reconnect with the important elements of power that are found in the deeper mysteries of the birth experience.
Working with Dreams
Learn to use the content of dreams as a way to access inner guidance and the deeper self.
If you would like to register for one of the classes below, please contact sherri@sacredstream.org.
Applied Buddhist Psychology 1
Learn and deepen practices that foster greater self-acceptance and inner peace.
Applied Buddhist Psychology 2
Learn and deepen practices that help transform core negativity.
Introduction to Integrated Energy Medicine
This workshop introduces the basics of Integrated Energy Medicine, including chakra systems, and energy systems within the body. Students will gain practice in perceiving subtle energy fields and in working with energetic systems to increase physical, mental, and emotional healing.
Next Steps in Depth Hypnosis
Increase your confidence and competence in essential techniques of the Depth Hypnosis methodology.
Next Steps in the Shamanic Journey
Hone your ability to interpret journeys and craft questions that will help bring insight.
The Path of Service
Master the essential inner work that makes it possible to serve or care for others effectively and stay in balance.
Plant Medicine: Preparing and Integrating the Experience
This workshop is designed for those who are working with, considering working with, or simply interested in learning more about psychoactive plants.
The Inner Teacher
This class is designed to help you connect with inner guidance in a direct and straightforward way. You will learn methods for altering your state of awareness so you can develop a relationship with your own inner wisdom on your own terms.