
Podcast: Episode 13: Buddhism and the Nature of Suffering

Podcast: Episode 13: Buddhism and the Nature of Suffering

Buddhism is essentially an educational system whose goal is the attainment of happiness for all beings. As an educational system, Buddhism provides the student with a series of tools that helps the student come to a place where they can know as much as they can know about their experience. This knowledge is transformative. In this excerpt from a talk on Buddhist Psychology, Isa Gucciardi, Ph.D. discusses Buddhism and the nature of suffering.

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Podcast: Episode 12: The Role of Healer and Universal Flow

Podcast: Episode 12: The Role of Healer and Universal Flow

In the training programs offered by Sacred Stream, healers are shown how to get their own personal energy system configured so that it can participate as fully as possible in the larger universal flow of experience which is all around us and in which human beings’ experience exists. In these two excerpts from talks given in Rhode Island in July 2010, Isa Gucciardi, Ph.D. discusses the role of healer and the nature of universal flow, how healers can work with it, and what people need to do in order to align with it.

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Podcast: Episode 11: Moon Lodge: The Initiatory Nature of Women’s Biology

Podcast: Episode 11: Moon Lodge: The Initiatory Nature of Women’s Biology

The expression moon lodge refers to the emotional and mental space as well as the physical space that women would retire to in many indigenous cultures at the time of their moon, when they were on their period. Often in many cultures that same place was a birthing place as well. It was a place of women’s mysteries and women’s initiations. In this excerpt from a 2010 Moon Lodge workshop, Isa Gucciardi, Ph.D. discusses the initiatory nature of women’s biology.

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Article: How to Prepare for 2012 and Beyond

Article: How to Prepare for 2012 and Beyond

By Isa Gucciardi, Ph.D.

As 2012 approaches, more and more people are wondering what is needed to be able to meet the demands of the changes that are prophesied for the winter solstice on December 22, 2012. This date refers to the time when many ancient calendars either run out, or have a shift that creates a dramatic change to the world as we know it.

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Podcast: Episode 10: Huna: The Ancient Tradition of Hawaii

Podcast: Episode 10: Huna: The Ancient Tradition of Hawaii

Huna, the ancient shamanic tradition of Hawaii, was a very active part of the Hawaiian tradition from the time that the Hawaiians arrived in the Hawaiian Islands, which is thought to be around 800 CE up until the 1800s, when the Christian missionaries made it illegal for the Hawaiians to practice Huna. This philosophical and spiritual belief system is older than Hawaii. In this excerpt from a 2010 talk, Isa Gucciardi, Ph.D., discusses the origins of Huna.

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Podcast: Episode 09: Shamanism and Dogma

Podcast: Episode 09: Shamanism and Dogma

Shamanism is an age-old science/art that has existed in the vast majority of the cultures that have ever been on the planet. What we now call indigenous cultures have had the shaman as the center of the spiritual life, the social life in terms of problem solving, and the healing life of the community. Different shamans have different areas of expertise. The shamanism that Depth Hypnosis draws from is called “core shamanism,” a term coined by Michael Harner. Core Shamanism refers to principles of shamanism that are found in many or most cultures. In this excerpt from a 2006 Applied Shamanism workshop, Isa Gucciardi, Ph.D. discusses shamanism and dogmas that are found within some shamanic practices.

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Podcast: Episode 08: Shamanism in Contemporary Culture

Podcast: Episode 08: Shamanism in Contemporary Culture

Shamanism in contemporary culture in North America reflects the context: people’s personal evolutionary needs are different than they might be in an indigenous culture. Most indigenous cultures have well-defined role structures, where people are born into a particular lineage and perform particular duties as part of that lineage. Some cultures have had more tolerance for people deviating from their assigned role than others. Today in the modern Western world, historical patterns and social roles are not necessarily respected. This situation is a two edged sword, but it does allow people to evolve in terms of their own internal callings, rather than necessarily having to evolve according to the roles prescribed by the external culture.

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Podcast: Episode 07: The Path of the Bodhisattva

Podcast: Episode 07: The Path of the Bodhisattva

The path of the bodhisattva is, among other things, designed to break down the illusion of separation between self and other. When we talk about the Two Truths in Buddhism, ultimate reality and relative reality, in relative reality there is a separation. Ultimately, there is no separation. By serving others you wind up serving yourself. In this excerpt from a 2008 Applied Buddhist Psychology course, Isa Gucciardi, Ph.D. discusses what one has to attend to within oneself in order to liberate oneself and be of service to others on the path of the bodhisattva.

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Article: Biology and Spirituality: What a Woman’s Biology Might Be Trying to Teach about Her Spiritual Path

Article: Biology and Spirituality: What a Woman’s Biology Might Be Trying to Teach about Her Spiritual Path

By Isa Gucciardi, Ph.D.

What does a woman’s biology have to teach about her spiritual path? What might a woman’s spirit be trying to teach her through her biology?

There are many ways to understand the relationship between biology and spirit. In understanding the self, biology can be defined as the engagement with the material world. Spirit can be defined as that part of the self that is engaged in a larger field of participation beyond the material.

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Podcast: Episode 06: Regression Therapy

Podcast: Episode 06: Regression Therapy

Regression therapy is designed to help people access parts of themselves that are normally inaccessible to the conscious mind. In this excerpt from a 2009 lecture on alternative healing modalities given at UC Berkeley, Isa Gucciardi, Ph.D. discusses regression therapy in the context of Depth Hypnosis, the therapeutic modality she created.

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Podcast: Episode 05: Depth Hypnosis

Podcast: Episode 05: Depth Hypnosis

Depth Hypnosis is a counseling model created by Isa Gucciardi, Ph.D. which combines shamanism, Buddhism, transpersonal psychology, and hypnotherapy.  In Depth Hypnosis words and suggestions are used to help alter a person’s state of consciousness so that they can begin to look inward to understand their inner experience and how their inner experience is affecting their external experience. In this excerpt from a 2009 lecture on alternative healing modalities given at UC Berkeley, Isa discusses how Depth Hypnosis works therapeutically.

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Podcast: Episode 04: Understanding Dreams

Podcast: Episode 04: Understanding Dreams

Dreams serve many different functions in an individual’s psychic life, and many theories have been put forward as to what those functions are. Carl Jung points to their function as a field of transformation of the self. Dreams are at the heart of the processes in the Depth Hypnosis model. When a person comes into counseling in Depth Hypnosis, one of the first things that might be asked of them is that they keep track of their dreams. The dreams will generally give the practitioner information about where the person needs to go or how the person is approaching the work. In this excerpt from a 2009 lecture on dreams, Isa Gucciardi, Ph.D. discusses dream interpretation, with a brief overview of the history of how ancient cultures viewed and worked with dreams.

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Article: Depth Hypnosis, Soul Retrieval, and Addiction

Article: Depth Hypnosis, Soul Retrieval, and Addiction

By Isa Gucciardi, Ph.D.

There are many different understandings about the nature of addiction. In working with addiction through my practice of Depth Hypnosis, I have found that it is helpful to apply the diagnostic and restorative methods provided by shamanism to help resolve addictive issues permanently.

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Podcast: Episode 03: Manifestation Pathways of Disease

Podcast: Episode 03: Manifestation Pathways of Disease

Energy medicine is a description of the anatomy of non-physical structures that underlie manifestation; in this case, we’re studying the human body. It is also the description of processes of energy flow through those structures. Because we are largely unaware of the dynamics of these structures and processes we allow ourselves to create realities which are unhealthy and which allow energy to run through the structures that is negative and counter to health. As we become more aware of what’s happening at this level we take more and more responsibility for the way in which we are generating our reality. In this excerpt from a 2005 Integrated Energy Medicine workshop, Isa Gucciardi, Ph.D. discusses integrated energy medicine and the manifestation pathways of disease.

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Podcast: Episode 02: Rituals: Understanding and Application

Podcast: Episode 02: Rituals: Understanding and Application

Rituals provide pathways between one world and another, often through transitions, access, or a change in the environment. Regular practices that many of us do after waking up–for instance, putting on glasses, drinking water, or putting on a robe–are rituals that help us transfer our consciousness from sleeping to waking. There are many kinds of rituals, and ways to use them. In this excerpt from a 2009 talk, Isa Gucciardi, Ph.D. gives an overview of the nature of rituals, their significance in contemporary Western culture and how to work with them in your own life.

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