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The Sacred Stream is a non-profit organization and resource center dedicated to fostering a more compassionate and conscious world. Our vibrant online community spans the globe, and the Sacred Stream Center, located in Berkeley, CA, is home to a diverse community. We provide a wide range of classes, trainings, free resources, community events, a podcast, YouTube channel, articles, blog posts and more. These are all designed to help individuals cultivate greater peace and joy in their lives.

When you donate to the Foundation of the Sacred Stream, you help us provide a venue for artists, teachers, and thought leaders to share their knowledge, offer more scholarships, create more free and helpful content, and maintain the Sacred Stream Center—a sacred and inclusive space for people to gather in community.


Our Greatest Needs


The Marlo Salazar Memorial Scholarship Fund was created in memory of one of the first Depth Hypnosis Practitioners, Marlo Salazar. The scholarship fund is designed to support all people in need, with an emphasis on single parents, BIPOC, LGBTQ+, students, and seniors. We need your help more than ever to assist students in need!

General Fund

Every year we have a host of expected and unexpected costs. Topping the list this year:
• Sidewalk repair at the Sacred Stream Center.
• Installation of an exterior protective cover for our large stained-glass window.
• PA System upgrade and installation
• Ongoing maintenance and expenses of the Sacred Stream Center building.

Podcast and Video Production Fund

Our podcast and YouTube channel reaches tens of thousands of people around the world. We offer them to the world for free. Yet the cost to produce episodes and maintain equipment to make them is expensive. So we rely on donations to make this possible. If you feel this is a valuable resource, have enjoyed or been helped by an episode or free video, please consider making a donation.


Collaborations and Past Projects


We often team up with other non-profits to help provide greater assistance to communities in need. A few of our collaborations include Passenger Recovery, Soccer without Borders, Zoo Labs, and Tibetan Buddhist Charitable Aid.

Past Projects

Our past projects and collaborations have helped many people by providing important information and resources, and funding critical projects. Learn more about our past projects, like the Raise the Roof Project and the Strawberry Creek Watershed Fund.


Corporate Donors

Did you know that you can designate the Foundation of the Sacred Stream as the organization you support through your company’s annual community support campaign?! Most firms now allow employees to support any 501(c)(3) charitable organization, and usually allow monthly contributions as well as lump-sum amounts.

When you go into your online community support tool, simply search for Foundation of the Sacred Stream, and you should find us listed. Alternatively, you may be asked for the organization’s taxpayer ID — ours is 32-0042442. We are currently registered with the Benevity Goodness Platform.

Planned Giving

Have you ever thought about making a donation through a planned gift? By making a planned gift to the Sacred Stream, you join a group of forward-thinking individuals and families who use their charitable resources to help us continue bringing the wisdom of ancient spiritual and healing traditions into the awareness of contemporary society for years to come. Planned giving allows you to leave a lasting legacy while potentially offering financial benefits for you and your loved ones. Learn more here.

Gift Donations

If you would like to make a donation in honor of someone or as a gift in their name, you can do so by adding a note to your PayPal donation. Thanks for supporting Sacred Stream!

Support Sacred Stream



2025 Donations

$50,000 Goal

The Foundation of the Sacred Stream is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization. Contributions to the Foundation of the Sacred Stream are tax-deductible to the extent permitted by law. The Foundation of the Sacred Stream’s tax identification number is 320042442. Donations can also be mailed to our office at 420 Yerba Beuna Avenue, San Francisco, CA 94127.