Circles for Girls
Circles for Girls
What does it mean to be a young woman growing up in the world today? How do I deal with forming friendships, mean girl behavior or power struggles? How do I manage when things are hard? What tools can I have to help increase my confidence? How can I best embrace my natural rhythm
The transition from girlhood to womanhood is a time of immense change — the normal stress of puberty and growing up is now heightened by the toxic side of social media, disruptions from the pandemic, and an increased experience of loneliness and isolation. Young women need support to reduce stress, increase confidence and coping skills, have more compassion for themselves and others, and thrive in all aspects of their lives.
This course is offered for girls ages 11-18.
Throughout this 6-week workshop, participants will:
• Learn about the egalitarian process of Coming To Peace and guided meditation
• Understand how to listen to their own voice and inner guidance
• Explore different ways of coping with others
• Connect to their own inner power, strengths, and gifts
• Explore the power of nature and our connection to it
Participants will find this workshop especially beneficial for:
• Understanding how to increase confidence
• Discovering ways to connect to their inner power
• Having space to express themselves and the experience of being in a female body
• Better understanding the somatic experience
This class is for young women ages 11-18. Non-binary people and self-identified young women are welcome.
Please Note: Class facilitators hold everything shared by participants fully confidential.