On the Air: Chitheads Podcast: Episode #50: An Interview with Isa Gucciardi
Isa Gucciardi, Ph.D. sits down with Jacob Kyle, host of Embodied Philosophy’s Chitheads Podcast, to discuss her early influences and how they informed her development of Depth Hypnosis. She also demonstrates the way in which Buddhist principles and shamanic techniques work together in Depth Hypnosis by presenting case study descriptions. Special focus is on the way that Depth Hypnosis addresses the roots of anxiety and depression.
About Chitheads
Embodied Philosophy’s Chitheads Podcast features interviews with leaders, elders, and teachers from the yoga and wider wisdom community on eastern philosophies, consciousness studies, social justice, and the human spiritual condition. Download past episodes or subscribe to future episodes of Chitheads via iTunes. For additional information, visit embodiedphilosophy.com.
In this episode, they discuss:
• Shamanism and the shamanic journeying practice.
• How Isa has integrated the Buddhist practices into her path and evolution as a healer.
• The importance of having a disciplined spiritual practice
• How the practices from Mahayana, Vajrayana, and Tantrayana Buddhism are similar to shamanic concepts (including the movement of elements and the transformation of negativity).
• How shamanic and Buddhist technologies facilitate in-depth work with the altered state in a creative way.
• The process of insight inquiry that allows practitioners to reflect on the insights experienced during Depth Hypnosis to allow for further healing.
• What has contributed to the pervasive self-loathing experience in Western culture.
• The meaning of the word “hypnosis” within the practice of Depth Hypnosis.
• The conception of reality according to shamanism.
• The role of journeying within the shamanic practice.
• The difference between shamanic journeying and meditation.
• Methods of integrating insight experienced through plant medicine.