Applied Shamanic Counseling
Applied Shamanic Counseling
In this advanced workshop, you will learn how to work with the journey in client sessions to foster clients’ self-transformation.
This course will:
• Show you step-by-step how to introduce the journey into your work with clients, including the most effective times in a counseling process to do so.
• Support you in deepening your own understanding of the language of journeys, how guides work, and how healing occurs.
• Help you improve your ability to interpret the images and teachings of journeys.
You will find this workshop especially beneficial if you:
• Are seeking a simple but powerful method for helping clients move past resistance and step into their power.
• Have clients who would benefit from a new perspective on their issue, in order to move beyond a place of resistance or defensiveness.
• Want to deepen your understanding of the way guides work and how healing occurs.
Workshop Details:
Tuition: $550
Workshop Format: This is offered as a Distance Learning course.
This workshop is offered through the Circle of Shamanic Practitioners.
Upcoming Workshops:
Event | Date/Time |
Applied Shamanic Counseling (Live Stream)
Distance Learning, Berkeley, CA |
Tue, September 16, 2025 - Tue, October 7, 2025 Days and Times May Vary |