Advanced Buddhist Practice Instruction

Advanced Buddhist Practice Instruction

Advanced Buddhist Practice Instruction

This class is for students who have taken Applied Buddhist Psychology 1: Entering the Stream, Applied Buddhist Psychology 2: The Enlightened Mind, The Psychology of the Bodhisattva, The Alchemy of Enlightenment: The Five Wisdoms, and Advanced Meditations with the Paramitas. It offers them the opportunity to review all the lectures and meditations for those classes for six months while meeting with Isa once a month for Practice Instruction. If you have not taken all of these classes, you can take them concurrently with the Advanced Buddhist Practice Instruction class. Isa will answer students’ questions from all five classes during the Practice Instruction meetings. She will also offer short lectures on more advanced concepts such as Deity Meditation. As a class we will work with a practice outlined by Ngulchu Dharmabhadra in his text, “A Condensed Practice of the Three Essential Points.” The class is designed to help you direct, support, and expand your meditation and practice.

This workshop will:

• Help support and guide your individual practice.
• Offer you an opportunity to practice with a other dedicated sangha members.
• Help you take the next steps in your meditation practice.

You will find this workshop especially beneficial if you:

• You want to review and consolidate your Buddhist studies and practice.
• You want to take your understanding of the concepts in these 5 classes to the next level.
• You want support in developing a more disciplined practice.


Applied Buddhist Psychology 1: Entering the Stream
Applied Buddhist Psychology 2: The Enlightened Mind
The Psychology of the Bodhisattva
The Alchemy of Enlightenment: The Five Wisdoms
Advanced Meditations with the Paramitas
If you have not taken all of these classes, you can take them concurrently with the Advanced Buddhist Practice Instruction class.

Workshop Details:

Tuition: $650
Workshop Format: This is offered as a Distance Learning course.

“This class was incredibly helpful. It unites all the learning so far from the Applied Buddhist Psychology program into a single powerful practice that will show you all the work you need to do to reach the enlightened state. For those who have a serious practice, or those who desire one, this is the class for you!”Joanna A.

Upcoming Workshops:

No upcoming live events. Some courses are offered On Demand. Check here for availability.  

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