Space Clearing Society

Space Clearing Society

The Space Clearing Society is made up of a group of people who have been trained in a wide range of shamanic healing practices through the Circle of Shamanic Practitioners. The members of the Society are dedicated to providing space clearing services to the community. The Society’s particular focus is to work in spaces where the healing arts are practiced or where healing is needed.

If you are not a healer, but feel you would benefit from the services of The Space Clearing Society, please contact us. Clearings occur once per month. While some Space Clearings are held in person, they are mostly conducted non-locally. To learn more or to engage the services of the Society, please contact Jen at

If you are interested in reading about the the work of the Space Clearing Society in more detail, please visit our December 21, 2016 and January 4, 2017 blog posts, which include case studies.

Frequently Asked Questions:

What is space clearing?
A Space Clearing addresses problems on a physical level that seem to be arising from unseen events.

How do these imbalances occur?
From a shamanic point of view, energetic imbalances can occur in a space when energies have become trapped. These psychic imprints can continue to effect events or circumstances in that space long after the original event has occurred. From a shamanic point of view, these energies need assistance in releasing their attachments to the spaces they are caught in.

How would I know I need a space clearing?
You might experience an uneasy feeling in the space, or there might be ongoing electrical problems, strange sounds, or anomalous experiences. People entering the space may feel cold or breathless, or have a range of other unusual physical symptoms. People may also experience bad luck or business problems in the space.

Who does the space clearing?
The Space Clearing Society consists of practitioners who are trained in advanced shamanic practices drawn from many different shamanic traditions. These practices are designed to address energetic imbalances.

What is the process of space clearing?
Space Clearing methods differ according to the types of imbalances that are occurring in the space, but the approach is always one based in compassion and positive intention. Usually, the process takes an hour or two and is done by a group. The size of the group varies depending on member availability and the presenting issues of the space.

What are the benefits?
People generally experience an alleviation of the issues they had been dealing with before the clearing. People often report that the space feels “lighter” or more relaxed.

How can I maintain the space after clearing?
After the clearing is complete, the Space Clearing Society members offer specific suggestions catered to your unique situation.

Support the Space Clearing Society


When you make a one-time or monthly donation to support the Space Clearing Society, please include a note in the comments section to let us know that’s where your funds would like to go.